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Cresh Care Ointment


4.5 | 20 Reviews




Akshar CreshCare Ointment is a specialized skincare product designed to effectively treat and heal cracks in the skin. It contains two key ingredients: Jatyadi Oil and Castor Oil. Jatyadi Oil is known for its ability to reduce skin inflammation and redness. It is beneficial for various skin conditions such as blisters, abscesses, insect bite wounds, and skin infections like hand and foot eczema and cracked heels. Castor Oil provides deep moisturization and has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antimicrobial, and pain-relieving properties. It nourishes and softens cracked skin, reduces inflammation, promotes healing, prevents infections, and alleviates discomfort. CreshCare Ointment offers a solution for cracked skin, providing moisturization, soothing relief, and supporting the healing process. It moisturizes and hydrates dry, cracked skin, helps heal and seal cracks, relieves discomfort and pain, and prevents future cracking. Regular use of CreshCare Ointment promotes supple and healthy skin.


  • Moisturizes and hydrates dry, cracked skin on the heels

  • Helps heal and seal cracks, preventing further damage

  • Relieves discomfort and pain associated with cracked heels

  • Provides long-lasting hydration for supple and healthy skin

  • Regular use prevents future cracking and maintains foot health

What 's

Manufacturing Information

Shelf Life :36 months

Manufacturer : Akshar Pharmacy

Country Origin: India

Product Dimensions (L*W*H) in cm : small : 3 x 3 x 14 cm