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Pain Reliever Oil


4.5 | 20 Reviews




Akshar Pain Reliever Oil is a targeted solution designed to provide soothing relief from various types of pain. It is formulated with a blend of potent ingredients, including Mahanarayan Oil, Nirgundi Oil, Gandhpura Oil, and Shallaki Oil. Mahanarayan Oil is known for its effectiveness in relieving vata and joint pain, nourishing and strengthening muscles and tendons, and its anti-arthritic and emollient properties. Nirgundi Oil is traditionally used in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine for pain management and has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Gandhpura Oil is recommended in Ayurveda for joint, muscle, and associated pains due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic benefits. Shallaki Oil, derived from an ancient herb, has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and analgesic properties. Akshar Pain Reliever Oil provides targeted relief by penetrating deep into the affected area, offering quick relief from muscle aches, joint pain, stiffness, and minor injuries. It promotes better blood circulation and can be used for both acute and chronic pain management. Experience the natural power of Akshar Pain Reliever Oil, a non-invasive and natural alternative for pain relief.


  • Provides relief from various types of pain, including muscle aches, joint pain, and stiffness

  • Helps alleviate arthritis pain

  • Promotes better blood circulation to the affected area, aiding in pain relief

  • Can be used for acute and chronic pain management

  • A non-invasive and natural alternative to pain relief

What 's

Manufacturing Information

Shelf Life :36 months

Manufacturer : Akshar Pharmacy

Country Origin: India

Product Dimensions (L*W*H) in cm : small : 7 x 14 x 12 cm